Trouble getting your site verified in Google Search Console? Don’t follow their instructions; do this instead.

Steve Sohcot
3 min readSep 13, 2024


I recently went into the Google Search Console (formerly known as “Google Webmaster Tools”) and was prompted to re-verify my domain:

Google Search Console: the need to verify your domain

Following their instructions, I logged into my domain registrar and added the TXT record. But that didn’t work. 😝

Someone smarter than me helped out

I contacted my domain registrar, who gave the following guidance. I’ve edited parts of the response to make it more generic for this article.

Your domain is currently using custom nameservers. This means that your domain’s DNS records are not “active” where you registered the domain but rather the third-party nameserver provider that you’re using. Any changes that you make to your domain’s DNS settings on the registrar will not apply because they are not “active” on your third-party nameserver provider’s end.

How I resolved the verification

The site I’m using to host my domain is different from my registrar. The trick was to go to the place where I’m hosting it, and enter it there!

My web host uses cPanel, so the screenshots will be from that.

Step 1. Go to Domains >> Zone Editor

Step 2. Click on “Manage” next to your domain

Step 3. Click on “Add Record”. Upon doing so, a new row will appear.

Step 4. Fill out the form:

  • Name = the domain but make sure there’s a period at the end! The site’s UI may be smart enough to automatically include it
  • Change Type to “TXT”
  • For Record, paste in the string you were given. Mine started with google-site-verification= . Perhaps yours will too.
  • Hit the “Save Record” button

Step 5. Back in the Google Search Console, hit the “Verify” button.

You’re done! My site was verified within a couple of minutes (not hours or days).

