How To Disable The Pay Later Button In PayPal

Steve Sohcot
2 min readApr 25, 2021


My next side project will involve an e-commerce aspect. Ultimately I’ll have server-side integration with Stripe, but for a Minimum Viable Product (“MVP”) I figured I’d implement a client-side solution with PayPal buttons.

I’m using the JavaScript version, and it was pretty easy to integrate in my website. Using the code provided it came out like this:

For my particular use-case, I did not want to have the “Pay Later” option there. I wanted to hide or disable the Pay Later button in the PayPal widget.

What I Tried

First I started looking into how to customize the widget by updating the code within the paypal.Buttons() JavaScript tag, but I could not figure it out.

One method suggested on Stack Overflow, that I didn’t try, was to use CSS to hide just the one button. But because this is displayed via iframe, I thought it be best to find the built-in way.

The Solution

Simply add in &disable-funding=credit in the part that references the external JavaScript file:

<script src=""></script>

Now it’ll look like this:

Paypal’s documentation has some more options on how to customize the widget.

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